Employment Law
Our specialist employment law solicitors are here to help you every step of the way.
Trust our experienced employment team to handle your case with confidence, including a range of fixed-price employment law solutions.
If you have an employment query contact us today on 01323 875050 for fast advice that is friendly and local.
Employment Law Team
Lauren Chambers
Practice Director, Head of Litigation
Holley Henden
Solicitor, Litigation
Settlement Agreements
When your employment ends, it can sometimes involve a Settlement Agreement. Barwells Solicitors can explain what this is, help you agree one and make sure your rights are taken care of.
A settlement agreement is a legally binding document that is usually supplied by your employer setting out the terms regarding the ending of your employment. They must fulfil certain criteria to be legally enforceable such as they must be in writing and state clearly what the agreement refers to.
It is also a requirement that the employee receives advice from a relevant independent adviser about the terms of the proposed agreement. This is especially important as generally the agreement will limit or exclude the ability to pursue any claims or complaints against the employer. Furthermore, subject to the terms of the agreement, the advisors legal fee is normally paid for by the employer which can be a concern for many employees who find themselves in this situation.
As relevant independent advisors Barwells are able to advise and guide you through, what is for many a difficult and emotional time. At every step, we use plain English, not legal jargon. If you sign, we will ensure that you understand fully what you are agreeing to. If you have questions or wish to discuss any aspects of the above please do not hesitate to contact our friendly Employment Law team.
To help you resolve your dispute, and to talk about settlement agreements, call us today on 01323 875050